Month: June 2016

The Phenomenon of Revelation

This is a guest post that has been taken from the Light of the Furqan blog. اقرأ باسم ربك الذي خلق Read in the Name of your Lord who created[1] This post is the second in a series of summaries of Ayatollah Haadi Ma’rifat’s book entitled, Amouzish Ulum Qurāni (Learning the Qurānic Sciences). For an introduction to Ayatollah … Read more

The Sources for Qurānic Research

This is a guest post that has been taken from the Light of the Furqan blog. This post is the first in a series of summaries of Ayatollah Haadi Ma’rifat’s book entitled, “Amouzish Ulum Qurāni” (Learning the Qurānic Sciences). For an introduction to Ayatollah Haadi Ma’rifat and his works, click here. In the first chapter of his book, … Read more

The Role of Arabic Grammar in Deriving Rulings

These are notes taken from a seminar that took place on 24th December, 2015, at Muassaseh Fiqhi Aimmah Athar of Ayatullah Fazel Lankarani (d. 2007).

Topic: The Role of Arabic Grammar in Deriving Rulings

Speakers: Ustaad Shaykh Muhammad Qaeni (student of Sayyid Khoei) and Ustad Rabbani (a senior teacher from Mashad).

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Sulaym bin Qays: The Thin Line Between a Fictitious Name & a Loyal Companion

Sulaym bin Qays al-Hilali or Abu Sadiq Sulaym bin Qays al-Amiri al-Hilali al-Kufi (allegedly born 2 years before Hijri – died in 70th, 76th or 90th Hijri) [سليم بن قيس الهلالي العامري] was supposedly a Kufan companion of Imam Ali and some of the later Imams (as). He has been a controversial figure in history and amongst scholars due to the contents of a book which is attributed to him. Furthermore, almost all information and descriptions about himself and his relationship with the Imams, are taken from his own book and there are no other early sources at our disposal which even remotely allude to any companion of the Imams by the name of Sulaym.

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Brief Look at the Development of Arabic Grammar

Given the role Arabic grammar has to play in Qur’anic and Hadith sciences, it is important for one to not just study grammar as it is generally taught today and suffice with it, rather it is crucial to have an understanding of its development and as well as a critical approach towards it in order for its further development and progression. These are summarized notes I have taken over time, describing the general phases of development of Arabic grammar. Due to the usage of technical terms in these notes, the post will be understood by those who already have a brief background in Arabic grammar.

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